Sunday, June 8, 2008

What if you can't enter the university directly?

If you can't enter the university, don't panic! You can enter to college first, which is an alternative entry to university. The materials that you will be learning in college are equivalent to the first year university. Students are guaranteed to the second year of university if they pass the requirements.

The benefit of entering the college is you can experience the university life by having access to many university facilities such as the library and student union. For international students, you can improve your language as well as your knowledge in preparing the real university life. Morever, it enhances your chance of success in university.

As what I experience, I was an international student, the teaching methods in the college and in the university are different. In university, students are forced to have more independent study than in college. It is quite true that if you don't study more by yourself at home, you will pass the subject hardly.

Below is some links for college in Australia

I hope you will find the information helpful.

Don't hesitate to email ( me if you have any questions, I will try my best to reply ASAP.

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